We are here and settled in—at least for a few weeks. It was a long trip across Texas, smile. The rest of the trip was faster. We did run into a LOT of wind after we left Deming, NM on Daturday. If I had looked at the weather report while at Dream Catcher RV Park, we might have delayed our trip by a day—but in spite of bad weather warnings, we were able to drive west to Gila Bend, AZ in one day. We don’t normally make 335 mile days—but wanted to get to warmer weather.
We ended up having to dry-camp at Gila Bend—missing the last RV spot by minutes. I just figured it was practice for Quartzsite!
Here are some of the photos I could not post along the way. We ran into Internet connection troubles across Texas and even into New Mexico. In Junction and Balmorhea, we barely had phone coverage, much less Broadband or iphone internet service. Deming, NM, we had the same issues. So, we kind of gave up until we got to Quartzsite. Now we have to run the generator to charge the computers, so times are short.
Our site at the Llano River RV Park in Junction, TX. What a rough life, eh?
Larry resting at Quartzsite, AZ. Fred & Arlene’s new trailer in the background.
Merry Christmas! We had a very quiet Christmas with our friends (& family), Fred and Arlene Cray. We have been friends and family for almost forty years! Wow, that makes us old people. We met when our 45-year old sons were about 8 years old!
I hope you have had a day surrounded by loved ones—either related by blood or by choice! I heard recently: What is under the tree is not as important as who is around the tree. And with that, we were blessed this holiday! We had wonderful friends at our sides. It just doesn’t get any better.
May 2014 be the year your dreams come true—and fill your heart with joy. Big hugs from the Jennings.